15 Survival Items You’d Thought You Never Need

You know the basics to survive, but you likely did not think of these other items that you may have not considered before. Make a list of your inventory and see what else you need. Everyone’s needs and circumstances are diverse so buy what you could do with such as these items below:

Aluminum Foil

It’s useful not just for heating food or boiling water but for creating antennas and making some shade.


You’ll miss out on eating your meals without your favorite condiments such as mustard, ketchup, hot sauce, and so on.


Buy new or used cookbooks that show how to make things from scratch. You can also print out recipes and put them in a binder or folder.

Pencil and Paper

Use them to start a journal and for games and checklists.

Light Sticks

You can hang them with a stick to help you see when it gets dark.

Glasses and Repair Kits

If you wear glasses, make sure you have another pair and a way to fix them.

Paper Maps

Most people are used to Google Maps, but if the electricity and the Internet go out, you can rely on paper maps.


It can shield your home during a hurricane as well as for other unforeseen construction projects.

Rubber Bands

They’re handy to keep small items organized in your backpack and kit.

Safety Pins

Safety pins are versatile as a fishhook, repair shoelaces, tie gear to your backpack, and add blankets or tarps for a makeshift shelter.


To protect your home from floodwaters, sandbags can be used. They can also be used to collect water, carry supplies, patch tents, catch animals and more.


While axes are best for cutting small firewood, a saw could cut through larger logs with less energy.

Sewing Kit

You may not have access to new clothes if your clothes wear and tear. Learn how to sew and mend your own clothes.

Vacuum Sealer

Besides sealing food, you can even seal things in danger of corrosion or drying out. It’s also handy for sealing mylar packets.


Vaseline can be used to start fires, prevent corrosion and also helps with first aid. 

If you don’t have these items, start collecting them now.

Your Fellow Patriot,
Steven Bryant