5 Life-Threatening Survival Situations Most Preppers Get Ready For

A survival situation can happen at any time, so you need to prepare yourself. Check out these top five survival situations that many survivalists stock up and plan.

Financial Difficulties

This is the most realistic situation for most people. There can be several forms of financial stress, such as job loss, divorce or sickness. Medical insurance is necessary and supplies should last at least three months. Pay off any debts and save your paycheck for several months. A supportive community can make life much easier to navigate, so make sure you have positive and enduring ties to your friends and neighbors.

Natural Disasters

Find out the most likely natural disasters in your vicinity. If you are planning for financial hardship, you should already have a three-month stock of supplies. Make sure your car’s tank is always full of gas, and you have replacement gas at hand. Keep copies of essential supplies and important copies in your kit.

Cyber Attack

In a situation in which satellites, the Internet, cellphones and devices become unusable because of a cyberattack, it could cause widespread hysteria and spell trouble for our public infrastructure and the economy.

Health treatment, law enforcement, and global trade will initially disintegrate. The U.S. government is preparing for an incident of this sort, so they will eventually recover power and use the radio to transmit updates. Amateur ham radio could be the only contact tool you can use in a cyberattack. Look to the amateur ham radio community if you need a hobby and want to learn more about it.


Many preppers have lately become concerned about an EMP or electromagnetic pulse. This will comprise a massive energy wave that could eliminate all circuitry. Theoretically, a solar flare or a hostile nation’s weapon could trigger an EMP, but it is not highly likely. Prepare the same way as you would do for a cyberattack.

Fall of Civilization

This is the most extreme situation that could happen in which law and order can decline and morals to a large degree. Humans have adapted since the beginning of written history, so it’s always possible to survive the fall of modern human civilization.

When society fails, people will inevitably wander in search of safe areas even without airplanes, trains and ships. We need to teach our children not just survival skills but math, history, language, literature, music and anything else that makes our culture what it is. Even if you don’t have children of your own, passing on your knowledge and memories to local children can help ensure that humanity can survive.

Your Fellow Patriot,
Steven Bryant